Post by Admin on Aug 18, 2013 19:06:18 GMT
It comes to my attention that after years of living in Eretz Yisrael and making a life and a lot of money there, certain elements like those in Satmar want to leave to avoid army conscription. They also don't want to pay taxes in the future as they haven't in the past. Satmar is a very wealthy organization and it has a large presence in the diamond disctrict. Rather than just let them go, I suggest hitting them up for back taxes. If these people go to foreign countries their reputation goes before them and it creaes anti-semitism. Recently, the Spinka Rebbe in Brooklyn, an octogenarian was arrested for money laundering and Rubashkin of Agriprocessors also was thrown in jail for hiring illegal Mexican aliens etc
If you screw someone over in a diamond deal in Satmar, I have heard they'll cut you into pieces just like a certain ethnic minority. Really, let's block them from coming here.